Everyone ingests toxins through food, exhaust fumes and many other ways on a daily basis. The body normally removes these toxins from the body. However, our body is exposed to too many toxins, which means the body is unable to get rid of all the toxins. These toxins are then stored in the body in organs and adipose tissue.
The storage of toxins can have the following negative consequences:
A detox helps to break down toxins, so they can then be eliminated from the body.
We have 3 different detox programs : for 1-3 persons.
Detox from NeoLife:
The keyword for detoxification is elimination. Toxins can be eliminated from our body in 4 different ways: the lungs, skin, urinary tract and digestive tract. With this program we focus on the digestive tract.
Step 1
We use 5 products from NeoLife:
Decide on 2 days to focus on the detox and change your diet.
Start day 1 with:
In addition, you are allowed to eat fresh fruits and vegetables (raw or lightly steamed) throughout the day, but try to eat more vegetables than fruits. You can eat as much as you want: small portions throughout the day. Important: no bananas, juice or other soft drinks. These can cause your sugar level to fluctuate and that could affect your energy level.
Continue to drink plenty of water and tea throughout the day. Try to drink tea and water every 1-2 hours. One cup of coffee is acceptable, but without milk and sugar.
At the end of the day, between your dinner and bedtime, take again:
The combination of the fruits, vegetables, tea, water, Garlic and Betaguard ensures that your intestines are starting with the detoxification process.
Repeat this process the next day!
Step 2
From the 3rd day it's time to restore the intestinal flora:
It is important to continue to drink plenty of water and tea, but also important to regain protein. Therefore, use NeoLife Shake for breakfast and lunch, mixed with 240-300 ml of water or milk.
At the end of day 3, eat a healthy meal, for example:
Between your dinner and bedtime you take again the Betaguard and the Acidophilus Plus.
Continue to take the Acidophilus and Betaguard until the 7th day.
You can continue your healthy daily diet from day 4.
All products in this detox program are available separately:
Garlic Allium Complex
Acidophilus Plus
NeoLife Shake
NeoLife Tea
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